Backjumps-The live issue, part 1 (Urban Art Info, Berlin)

Backjumps-The live issue, part 1 (Urban Art Info, Berlin)

Mad stiller sulten (Den Grafisk Højskole).

Mad stiller sulten (Den Grafisk Højskole).

Hva´så kælling skal du ha´en Smirnoff Ice? (Rust)

Hva´så kælling skal du ha´en Smirnoff Ice? (Rust)

Ghetto fashion week (Gallery V1).

Ghetto fashion week (Gallery V1).

Bjarne Lillers klæbeånd.

Bjarne Lillers klæbeånd.

Kvindelig bassist søges (Vega nightclub).

Kvindelig bassist søges (Vega nightclub).

Ask for trouble (Urban art info, Berlin).

Ask for trouble (Urban art info, Berlin).

Byen Brænder (Streetart in Copenhagen).

Byen Brænder (Streetart in Copenhagen).

The grass is greener on the other side.

The grass is greener on the other side.

Castle CPH T-shirt exhibition (Le Fix Gallery)

Castle CPH T-shirt exhibition (Le Fix Gallery)